Sunday, November 15, 2015

Black Hole Effect

I'm working on a black hole effect for a show I'm doing. Here's a neat little trick using CC Flow :) It could probably use a bulge too.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Looping in After Effects

I have once again been working in the wonderful world of looping animation. This time I'm working in After Effects and have a lot more keyframes to play with. One thing that I noticed is that I can't use a loopIn and loopOut command in the same expression. This would make offsetting much easier so I did a bit of googling.

CreativeCow to the rescue:

To add an expression to a property in After Effects, simply Alt+Click the stop watch on it.

Here's the expression that works, thank you Kevin Camp:
if (time < key(1).time) loopIn();
if (time >= key(1).time && time <= key(numKeys).time) value;
if (time > key(numKeys).time) loopOut();

Monday, November 2, 2015

Open as Camera Raw

Stumbled on a great little Photoshop trick a wee while ago. I was trying to stack some TIFFs into HDRs and then I wanted to open them with Camera Raw which has much better processing than Photoshop itself (especially it's noise reduction).

So after a bit of consultation with the google machine, I found that if instead of opening an image, you click File then Open As, you can open any image in Camera Raw by selecting the Camera Raw format, regardless of what that image type was originally:

Here's a comparison of a picture I took with my phone:

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

48 Hours 2015: Glasnost

This year's 48 Hours film challenge was a crazy one. The day after shoot weekend finished, we had to have our entire household packed and in a truck bound for Dunedin. To that extent we decided to only work on it for an hour or two and then come what may.

Of course, this never works out the way you plan. This film took us the whole weekend. Smallest team we've ever had, the core of which was just 3 people! I did all the animation in this myself and it nearly killed me, but super happy with the result.

And here's the poster: